Monday, November 8, 2010

Progress Report

I've just passed the halfway point of Christoforo's Dream. The halfway point of committing it to memory, that is. This is the point of the first Crescendo, a very lovely point to pause and polish the learned material.

Sometimes I can be in a slump, or feel bad, and not know it until I come out of the other end. I think I fell into a funk due to various stuff I had to deal with and also had a cold, but didn't realize how much it affected my concentration until I looked at my music and saw all the pencil notes I had to make for memory jogs. Last month my short-term memory was non-existent. I've erased most of them now that my oomph has returned.

The main thing that worried me was that I couldn't remember how to play Minuet in G without shredding it to pieces. Today I played it as well as I ever did. Which means I only made one or two mistakes.

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