Thursday, March 25, 2010

Works in Progress

Teacher has a family emergency so canceled this week's lesson, leaving me to mine own devices. So I honed the exercises and forged ahead on Brahms' Lullaby, plus started working on a couple of more advanced pieces. I'm also foraging for material to practice to push myself ahead. The stick and the carrot theory.

I'm fascinated by the sheer diversity of arrangements available for a single piece of music. I have three arrangements of Over the Rainbow, each more advanced than the next, same with What a Wonderful World. In the meantime, this respiratory infection has returned with a vengeance, and I'm on an even stronger antibiotic, so feel crappy. I putter about the house, work on my taxes--which, being self employed are prodigious in both scope and depth--and practice as much as I can. All while wheezing and sneezing. I feel like a nineteenth-century consumptive bohemian.

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