Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I go Insane

Ah yes, the life of an obsessive-compulsive personality is a rich mine-car ride of of dizzying highs, terrifying lows, and creamy middles. Once something fixes my full attention, I CANNOT let go until the subject at hand is resolved.

I posted last time I purchased a Ceviano 220 digital piano, but after reading some more about it I upgraded my upgrade to the Celviano 240, which is one down from Casio's highest-end Celviano models (which is 260), The only advantage I could see in the 260 was an LED readout (yawn) and slightly louder speakers. And more digital sound effects and other bells-and-whistles. Since I'm not providing background soundtrack to silent movies, the mid-range 240 model was good enough for the likes of me.

So after two days of obsessively checking the status of my order, I just saw online that this beauty is now shipped and in the delicate hands of UPS Ground delivery. So I should get it by Saturday or Monday at the latest--if all goes well. Unless they lose it has they have my two previous pianos. I have my fingers and toes crossed and am chanting Voodoo Magick to attempt to sway the Gods of misfortune into giving a brother a break just this one time.

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