Monday, February 22, 2010

The Real Struggle

Wow, so up to now I haven't truly wrestled with anything that's taxed my abilities to master fairly quickly. Now I'm beginning to hit the wall, I think. I've begun to learn actual technique; moving quickly from chord to chord, working low and deftly around the keyboard, among the sharps and flats. Building speed seems like a matter of time and practice. Nothing too strenuous.

So I jumped just a little bit ahead and began working on a simple song with a 3/4 back-beat. Actually Teacher played it for me and opined that I could begin working on it. So I did. Well...

It's a lot harder than it looks. I can play each hand individually without much effort. But coordinating the two is wrecking me. I look like the Scarecrow from Batman.

I'll get some advice and tutoring tonight at my lesson. If I master it, I'll try to record it and post it here for your enjoyment and edification.

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