Saturday, April 16, 2011

Definitely Ooomph

Yes, definitely feeling better, although I just paid my taxes and so am traumatized by that epic horror, I am definitely detecting a lift in my spirits. I introduced the Cristofori upgrade to my teacher and she was excited to see the changes and embellishments to the simpler version we'd been practicing. So I've been re-learning this piece, and I've already overwritten the old version of some parts in what passes for my memory. Memory is a baffling phenomenon. It's kinda scary how easily I can forget some things when I don't want to, and how hard it is to forget other things when I desperately want to.

I'm not sure how long it will take to learn to play the new version proficiently. The parts that seemed intimidating on paper turned out to be easier than I thought, while sections that should flow smoothly continue to elude me. But if I keep practicing at some point I'll break through the wall.

Joplin continues to improve by small increments. I wonder when I tackle my next piece if my learning curve will improve with each new composition I learn? I hope so or it will take me the rest of my life to learn ten pieces.

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